The prehistoric megalodon shark was one of the most terrifying predators the world has ever seen. With an average length between 33 and 59 feet, jaws up to seven feet wide, and serrated teeth four times larger than those of a great white, a large megalodon could crush a car with a single bite. Interestingly, there are some people on the internet who think the megalodon never actually went extinct. Of course, these theories are false. But for the sake of argument… what if the ferocious megalodon shark was still out there, patrolling the oceans?
For the last four years, the folks at What If have been answering wild hypothetical questions like these in some of the coolest science videos on the web, amassing a passionate following of over 25 million people. Now, fans of this award-winning video series will be able to enjoy What If's epic journeys of imagination in a whole new way! Say hello to What If 100, a collection of What If's most popular episodes… in book form!
Of course, What If Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct? is just one of 100 different hypothetical questions addressed in the new What If 100 book. Other fascinating hypotheticals include: What if we terraformed the moon? What if we could open a portal into a parallel universe? What if plastic was never invented? What if aliens arrived tomorrow? What if all the world’s ice melted? And so many more.

The What If 100 book is specifically designed to get people excited about science and to encourage creative new ways of thinking about 21st century problems. It also happens to be loaded with tons of cool facts you can use to impress your friends, and it features a foreword from renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. So what are you waiting for? Digital and hardcover versions of What If 100 are available now.